
For every type of architectural structure, there is a need for people to perform janitorial services in order to keep the building clean and safe for all occupants. That makes being a janitor a job that is in constant demand with a high degree of job security.


What Janitors Do

The primary responsibility of a janitor is to help to keep a building clean. That typically involves cleaning floors, washing windows, dusting, vacuuming and emptying trash. It may also involve doing minor repairs. Because it is easier to do this work without having other people in the way, janitors often do most of their work during the evening when most occupants of the building have left for the day.


Usually there are no formal training programs for janitorial work. Specific duties are typically learned and mastered on the job, with new hires trained by employees with more experience. Most training involves learning about the basic janitorial supplies and how to use them. Prospective janitors can get a head start on this process by checking out a website that specializes in janitorial supplies.

Career Prospects

Because there are new buildings constantly under construction, the number of janitorial jobs in the United States increases at a rate of about one percent per year. Those who already have janitorial experience are much more likely to be hired than those without. Therefore, don’t be choosy about your first janitorial job; accept almost any job offer at first. Once you have experience and a good reference, your ability to move to better positions in better buildings greatly increases.

Job Compensation

Janitorial work pays a solid income of between $25,000 and $30,000 per year, a bit more or less depending upon experience. Where you work also matters, for example, janitors who work in public buildings such as schools are often members of a public employee union whose pay and benefits can be considerably above average.

A Solid Career

Because buildings need janitors for as long as the building stands, the chances are good that your janitorial position will have solid job security. If you are a patient and detail oriented person who can follow directions and doesn’t mind a sometimes repetitive routine, then seeking a janitorial position may be a wise career decision for you.

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